Lol, how long had I neglected my bloggie, not long actually, just a month +. Suffering from SPM for almost a month, finally, one more paper to go, and I'll be freeeeeeeeeee ! Gonna clear all the books ON my desk, UNDER my desk, LEFT and RIGHT, duhhhhhhh, EVERYWHERE ! My desk looks soooooooo messy that my mom will nag at me all the time, I always tell her to wait, wait and wait, few more days to go, just give me few more days time, and I will clear my desk, throw all these books away. Just wait, Holiday, I'm coming !
Gonna enjoy my holiday after exam ! First of all, of course dye my hair first, but the question is, my mom don't allow me to dye due to my sensitive face, but no matter how I still want to dye as my father allow me to. :) Next I'll be going to penang with ma fellow friends ! Gonna stay overnight there for one night, wanna shop for new years clothes and etc. Next next, going to settle my undang exam. I went to listen the torturing 6 hours undang lesson since March but I haven't go for my test even once, and now, I must finish this quickly so that I can get my driving license as fast as I could, the best is before new year. :)
Holiday I'm cominggggggggggggggg ! :)